Cancer Lifeline
Team Survivor NW
Honor Health Cancer Care
If you are looking for classes tailored for the cancer community, here are a few excellent organizations!
They offer FREE online and inperson classes.
Here is my current teaching class schedule
Please check out ALL of their classes!
Classes offered through Cancer Lifeline and Honor Health are also open to family and caregivers of those diagnosed with cancer.
TSNW is a women's Seattle based fitness group- promoting health and fitness for women who have been touched by cancer.
Please register online with Cancer Lifeline, TSNW directly.
You can register directly with Honor Health or through me. Send me an email.
ONCE REGISTERED, You will receive your private ZOOM LINK.
Cancer Lifeline
Seattle, WA
Online/ Zoom
Gentle Yoga
10:00 am - 11:15 am
(Pacific Time Zone)
Exercise For Bone Health
10:00am - 11:00 am
(Pacific Time Zone)
Chair Yoga
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
(Pacific Time Zone)
Register: https://cancerlifeline.org/
Team Survivor NW
Seattle, WA
Online/ Zoom
Tai Chi- Qi Gong Flow
(Pacific Time Zone)
Register: https://teamsurvivornw.org/
Honor Health Cancer Care
Phoenix, AZ
Online / Zoom
Gentle Yoga
Exercise for Bone Health
Register here:
Sylvia Solis
Email: ssolis@honorhealth.com
Contact Ann directly to receive Consent Form and Zoom Link.
Email: skyyoga2004@gmail.com
PLEASE LOG ON 5 MINS PRIOR TO CLASS. Make sure your camera and mic are working.
If you have any questions or issues with registration or the zoom link, please contact the organization directly.