Sky Yoga and Fitness
Class Calendar
Choose from Time Zone Drop Down Menu: PST or MST
Class Fees: Scroll down the page to see the list.
Class Payments:
Book Online in the calendar listed above
Contact Ann directly for other payment arrangements:
Zelle, Paypal, Check info
Once payment has been made
you will receive your Zoom Link for the class(es).
Zoom/ Online
Open to All Levels
6:00-7:00 pm Pacific Time Zone
7:00-8:00pm Arizona Time Zone (11/3/24-3/8/25)
Check Your Local Time Zone
Incorporating yoga, fitness (with weights, bands, body weight) and Tai Chi-Qi Gong. Improve your posture, balance, coordination, stamina, flexibility mobility. Strengthen your muscles, bones, create suppleness in your fascial tissues.
If you’re feeling stiff, sore, have chronic aches and pains …. And you know you need to move your body more (smarter, safer).
THIS is the class for you!
Move better, feel better! Get stronger !
This class will be recorded~
For those who aren't able to attend the 'live' classes.
Zoom/ Online
Tai Chi/ Qi Gong Flow
10:00-10:30am Pacific Time Zone ​
​11:00-11:30am Arizone Time Zone (11/3/24-3/8/25)
Check Your Local Time Zone
Don't be late! Log on 5 mins early.
The sessions will be recorded.
Please turn off your camera and remain muted during the session.
The class will be recorded.
By Request Only: Receive the recorded session and you can practice for 2 weeks!
Tai Chi / Qi Gong Flow Class
(Previous Tai Chi experience NOT required!)
Tai Chi has been proved to:
Improve Balance, Coordination, Flexibility and Mobility
Increase muscular and bone strength
Improve Circulation and Sleep
Improve Focus and Concentration
Reduce Stress and Tension ​​
Check, Paypal & Zelle Pricing
Tai Chi/Qi Gong Flow:
30 Min Sessions: $5
60 Min Sessions: $10
Yoga and Fitness:
30 Min Sessions: $5
60 Min Sessions: $10
Zelle & Paypal Payments: Please contact Ann for payment information
** Checks still gladly accepted**​​
Practice safely and at your own risk:
Listen and honor your body. Stop if there is any sense of discomfort and pain. Please contact your doctor if pain persists. Always listen to your doctor's guidance.
If you are under your doctor’s care, consult with your doctor and must be cleared for physical activity. Will need a copy of your Doctor’s clearance and list of any restrictions (if there are any).